Sunday 11 March 2012

Today Mum, I did something stupid!

Well it was bound to happen sometime. But in my defence, I didn't have much choice and I am still alive and in one piece, give or take a few scratches.

In the words of the hostel owner when we enquired about this 7 waterfall hike just outside Juayua, "all you have to do is walk."

He must have *forgotten* the bits where you rappel down sheer rock faces and waterfalls, scramble over slippery, smooth rocks, fight your way through thick undergrowth, clamber over steep hillsides with massive drops to one side... I could go on...

The really, really stupid bit was repelling down one particular waterfall. Now, I enjoy rock climbing and abseiling but that's because I'm safely fixed into a harness and know I can only drop a couple of metres at most. I'm less comfortable just holding on to a sopping wet rope and putting blind faith into stepping backwards into gushing water, where I can't even see any footholds. Craziness!

However, massive amounts of respect and admiration go out to Gemma. I like a good adrenalin rush but this was hard core and to do it when you're scared of heights... well, that's something else entirely. Amazing!

So was it worth it? Hmmm...

On balance (and from the safety and comfort of this hammock), I'm going to say 'yes'. Fairytale waterfalls in pristine woodland.

Would I do it again? No.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Juayua, El Salvador


  1. But you lived to tell the tale, so put it down to experience (and what an experience)
