Wednesday 28 March 2012

Home sweet home?

Jess just asked me whether I was sad to be going home.

After a moment's reflection, my answer was, "Not sad to be going home, no... just sad to be leaving." Does that make any sense?

For starters I can't wait to see you lot. Technology has made it so easy to keep in touch, what with Skype and WhatsApp and email, but, however good it is, I am looking forward to some un-pixellated smiles and some proper hugs that I can feel. So, start limbering up guys!

Oh, and a cup of tea would be nice too, if it wouldn't be too much trouble?

I'm pleased to report that I'm keeping a promise that I made before I left to come back brighter, stronger and happier. Mission accomplished! I'm me but in HD :)

And I intend to try to keep another promise... to engage in a period of calm over the rest of the spring and summer - no adventures, no mad challenges, no life-changing decisions for a little while. Wish me luck with that one!

I will be sorry to leave Central America and this travelling lark behind though. I believe that people are the sum of the experiences they've had and what they've taken from them... and I hope that I've learnt a lot.

But the final word has to go to my travelling companion, Gemma. Her insatiable curiosity, talent for negotiation, organising ability and beautiful smile have made this trip what it was. Awesome! Thanks Gem :)

That's all folks! Adios e hasta luego...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Managua, Nicaragua

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