Thursday 15 March 2012

A moment of perfect calm

Such moments are rare in life but I had one today sitting on a log in the sunshine looking out over Lake Asososca, following our swim. I soaked up the volcanic backdrop, the rippling surface of the lake, all the butterflies and dragonflies, the warmth on my skin... and made my peace with the world.

Gosh, that sounded a little philosophical, didn't it?! But indulge me, just this once ;)

Today I also adopted my own Jicaro fruit. I can't stand the taste but the fruit itself is so satisfyingly round and smooth and heavy, that it makes the perfect stress ball. Not that I'm remotely stressed... see above!

The only thing I'm lacking right now is a shower. Apparently the water situation in Leon is 'unpredictable' which means they try and conserve as much as possible. But when you're covered in dust and dirt, slooshing yourself with a bowl of water doesn't really cut it. Charlotte - that Sanctuary spa voucher you gave me for when I return "grimy and dishevelled" is starting to look like the most inspired gift ever. That'll be the voice of experience talking I suspect!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Leon, Nicaragua

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