Saturday 24 March 2012

Island life

I think you might have to send someone to drag me kicking and screaming off this beach on Wednesday. In fact I might bury myself in the sand and refuse to budge.

Look at it for goodness sake!

I am writing this from the shade of a palm tree under which Jess and I have retreated from the full glare of the midday sun. And we're pretending to only be a little envious of the deep, even golden-brown colour Gemma's skin is turning as we watch her lie out in it! Humph!

It's called Picnic Beach and that turquoise water is every bit as inviting as it looks. It's like having a very large warm bath to swim in... which we don't have to share with anyone else. And when we emerge from the water after a swim, it is strangely reminiscent of that scene in Die Another Day with Halle Berry... any one of us could have played that role you know. She just got lucky!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Big Corn Island, Nicaragua

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