Sunday 18 March 2012

This English Rose is wilting

Happy Mother's Day! It is only still my Mum reading this after 6 weeks, right?

We somewhat reluctantly left the beach behind this morning to make our way to Granada. I loved that beach. I could have sat on the sand and watched the waves forever but that wouldn't have made very captivating reading on my blog. So, I left in the interests of literature ;o)

I was struck on the drive here by how resilient nature can be. I know this from experience being the proud owner of a peace lily that has survived in my 'care' for the last 12 years - conditions don't get any more hostile than that. But it still surprised me to see trees blossoming and roses in bloom, whilst I wilted and drooped in the back of the cab, greedily glugging down the last of what was now warm water I had brought with me.

On arrival, it took Gemma all of about 10 seconds to change into her bikini and plunge into our hostel's mini pool. She's fast that girl!

I wasn't far behind though and it was a truly delicious feeling to sit totally submerged in cold water.

The rest of the day so far has been spent getting our bearings in Granada. And we like what we see. Imposing churches, colourful cobbled streets and lots of busyness.

It's a good job it's small though, as it is impossible to walk anywhere fast in this temperature. My usual Putt-Eckford pace has been replaced by something altogether more sedate :)

Now, let the quest for an ice cold G&T commence...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Granada, Nicaragua


  1. Just Heard about a place that sells pineapple mojotos

  2. You sound so laid back you must by now be horizontal, but don't get too laid back you've got to carry your cases/backpacks sometime in the future!Keep smiling
