Sunday 5 February 2012

Snow, snow go away, come again another day!

The good news is that we both made it to Heathrow in one piece and that my parents also made it home again safely. One hairy moment for me when the Sainsburys HGV in front of us got stuck in the snow on a hill but my Dad is a driving genius and we managed to get past.

We're now relaxing in the Galleries Lounge in T5. Have I ever mentioned how much I love being a Silver Executive Club member! Our flight is currently delayed by 1 hour 20 mins to 11am but we've consoled ourselves with bacon rolls, fruit, yoghurt, coffee, tea, juice, pastries. If it is delayed even longer, Gemma and I might embark on a 'who can eat the most packets of Walker's shortbread' competiton... crazy, eh? Or perhaps that'll turn into 'how many packets of Walker's shortbread can we fit into our day packs as emergency rations' competion.

Anyway, no drama equals uncompelling reading. So, I'll leave it there and be in touch from Miami .... where it will be HOT and SUNNY and NOT SNOWING!

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