Thursday 16 February 2012

Alone amongst the ruins

The main hazard we've experienced in Guatemala thus far was on our pre-dawn bus ride to Tikal this morning - we both nearly choked to death from exhaust fume inhalation! Fortunately we were able to make up for this by spending all day wandering through the jungle amongst spectacular Mayan ruins.

We opted to go it alone without a guide, which turned out to be an inspired decision. We had whole blocks of time when we didn't see another soul and even managed a few minutes alone at the summit of Temple IV, looking down over the entire complex with the tops of the other temples peeking out from the jungle canopy through the mist. Ethereal.

We also had an up close and personal encounter with a family of coatis who were foraging for food and spotted our fair share of monkeys causing mischief up above our heads.

Tikal is just one of those places that you know will stick with you in your memory forever. The wildlife, flora and ruins makes for a heady combination.

This evening we have been chilling out in preparation for catching the night bus to Guatemala City which leaves at 9.30pm. We are assured that it is 'deluxe' ... I hope that means air conditioned as it is very, very hot here!

From Guatemala City, we plan to switch straight to another bus to take us to Quetzeltenengo (also known as Xela). So, you've been warned, the next post will be a lot of 'bus talk'!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Flores, Guatemala

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