Yesterday we did nothing. Absolutely nothing. Glorious nothing. So much nothing that the swim we took off the pontoon felt like exercise. From which we had to recover by doing more nothing.
Well it is the weekend and we deserve a rest...
The 15 minute walk to the other end of town for dinner was exhausting, so we sensibly broke the journey up on the way home with a rum punch at Babalus and a hypnotic half hour staring at the fish in the aquarium.
This morning, there were a few clouds in the sky and the wind had got up a bit more (tut!), so I grabbed my one chance of not being burnt to a crisp and went and hired a bike to explore the island.
It was a really lovely ride. Several iguanas scuttled out of my way and lots of dragonflies and butterflies flew alongside me. The north side of the island is equally beautiful and a lot quieter with some lovely sandy beaches. I only turned back when I realised that I was essentially mountain biking (they didn't bother to use tarmac out of town) and that I hadn't seen another soul for about 3 miles. Utila's meant to be safe but I have so many of your warnings ringing in my ears...
The only other news I have to report is that I've nearly finished Wolf Hall (Vanessa - it's excellent!) and I'm getting much better at getting in and out of a hammock.
Tomorrow, we have to drag ourselves away from paradise. El Salvador - you better be worth it!
Location:Utila Island, Honduras
This all reminds me of a song...those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer...