Tuesday, 27 March 2012

And the winner is...

There is a clear winner in the best sunset of the holiday competition. Victory was snatched by the sun's slow descent into the sea on Monday 26th March, as witnessed from a log on the beach (with an ice cold G&T) outside La Princesca de la Isla on Big Corn.

The natural world really knows how to keep the best til last.

The water looked silvery like liquid mercury and the sky above was alive with the full spectrum of the rainbow. And it was made all the more atmospheric by the wispy clouds which absorbed the dying sun's rays and created a whole new colour palette of their own.

And having only just blogged about food not doing it for me, I then found myself in food nirvana. The Roman couple who own the guest house, produced mouth-watering Italian-inspired cuisine, including a cheese and mango chutney based appetiser which made me very, very happy. The tiramisu was rich and chocolatey and melted in the mouth... and did I mention the pasta...? Delicioso!

So, today is in essence our last full day as we fly back to Managua tomorrow and then back through Miami to London on Thursday/Friday. As my thoughts turn to home, I know I will take with me so many cherished memories from Central America. How lucky I am!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Big Corn Island, Nicaragua

1 comment:

  1. ...and we are lucky too for hearing all about it. Safe journey home.
